On a sweltering summer day, Takashi Natsume and his feline companion Madara stroll out to purchase jelly. Their leisurely outing takes a startling turn when an elderly masked man gets struck by a passing truck, pleading for Natsume's aid. Unveiling his true nature as a youkai, the spirit of the Suzunaru tree, the dying entity implores Natsume to grant his final wish: to quench his thirst until his last breath as the tree faces its demise from lightning and human intervention. In another tale, Tamami, a young schoolgirl, meticulously follows directions in a forest, only to doze off and awaken to a chatty feline. Guided by this unusual cat and Natsume, she delves into a hidden realm within the woods, where the unseen becomes visible. Entrusting them with her story of a spectral owl guiding her back to the enigmatic forest, Tamami discovers the magical depths hidden within her mundane world.
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