When a counselor named Izumi Yasaka flees to the Public Safety Bureau building in a runaway vehicle, chaos ensues. Izumi, who had abandoned her post at the Sanctuary, a facility for managing latent criminals, becomes the center of attention for Inspectors Mika Shimotsuki and Akane Tsunemori. Just as the inspectors prepare to interrogate Izumi, a sudden demand arrives from the Sanctuary's authorities to retrieve Izumi immediately. Perceiving this as a direct mandate from the Chief, the inspectors comply, insisting on a personal escort for Izumi's return. Meanwhile, Tsunemori plans to delve deeper into the matter with the Bureau team. This pivotal investigation offers Inspector Shimotsuki the chance she has long coveted—to lead a significant case. Join Shimotsuki and her Enforcers as they delve into the enigmatic secrets shrouding the Sanctuary.
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