In the vibrant setting of Tensho School in the bustling 7th Ward of Thrive Central, students immerse themselves in extracurricular pursuits, culminating in the annual fall singing competition involving all school clubs. Delayed in starting his academic journey by his sister's hospitalization, newcomer Saku Otonomiya grapples with the whirlwind of his new routine, juggling a part-time job and caring for his ailing sibling. Struggling to carve out time for club activities, Otonomiya's path converges with the school's singing club, set on performing Sousuke Kagura's challenging piece, 'Cloudy Days,' for the contest. Kagura, hesitant to endorse the song's use, deems it fit only for a vocalist with a rare three-octave range, suggesting a VOCALOID as the ideal performer. However, upon witnessing Otonomiya flawlessly render 'Cloudy Days,' Kagura extends an unexpected invitation to collaborate for the upcoming competition. Simultaneously, the singing club endeavors to entice Otonomiya to join their ranks, aiming to leverage Kagura's song for their performance. With the event looming closer, Otonomiya confronts his uncertainties, torn between forging a partnership with Kagura or aligning with the club, as he navigates the pivotal decision of his musical journey.
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