A Legendary Pokémon, Serebii, capable of manipulating time, becomes the target of an enigmatic Pokémon hunter. When Serebii crosses paths with Yukinari, a budding Pokémon artist, the two mysteriously vanish during their encounter. Decades later, Satoshi, an aspiring Pokémon trainer, embarks on a quest to discover rare Pokémon in his hometown. Guided by White, a seasoned boat driver, Satoshi is joined by his loyal companions: Takeshi, a former gym leader aspiring to breed exceptional Pokémon; Kasumi, a Water-type specialist in training; and Pikachu, Satoshi's faithful partner. As fate would have it, Yukinari and Serebii resurface in Satoshi's era, leading to a fateful meeting with his group. The formidable Masked Lord Vicious, a high-ranking Team Rocket operative, sets his sights on capturing Serebii. Armed with the corruptive Dark Ball, Vicious seeks to harness the full potential of captured Pokémon, turning them into formidable adversaries, including Serebii. Now, Satoshi, Yukinari, and their allies must unite forces to thwart Vicious's sinister plans, safeguard Serebii, and overcome looming threats.
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