At Seton Academy, a unique place where a variety of animal species coexist, Jin Mazama stands out as one of the rare humans who harbors a strong aversion towards animals. One day, he encounters Ranka Ookami, a spirited 'lone wolf' girl with no pack and no friends. Despite Ranka's efforts to befriend Jin, who despises animals, he declines her offer. Their dynamic shifts when Jin meets another human, Hitomi Hino, and finds himself smitten. Eventually, Jin and Hitomi initiate a cooking club, which also welcomes Ranka after some initial misunderstandings. This marks the beginning of a charming tale involving two ordinary humans, a lovable wolf, a lively koala, a laid-back sloth, and a sassy feline, united in their newly formed club. Through their adventures, the story unfolds the heartwarming lesson that friendship knows no bounds, bridging gaps between creatures of diverse backgrounds.
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