
In Sternbild City, a diverse population coexists with humans possessing extraordinary powers known as NEXT, who utilize their abilities to uphold peace. Sponsored heroes, adorned with logos, embark on missions to combat crime, aid individuals, and enhance their corporate sponsors' public image, all while accumulating hero points. Their endeavors unfold on the widely watched program 'Hero TV,' where rankings determine the prestigious title of 'King of Heroes.' Within this dynamic, Kaburagi T. Kotetsu and Barnaby Brooks Jr. persist in their heroic endeavors under Apollon Media, striving to bolster their company's reputation and safeguard the city's harmony. The once distinct hero system of Sternbild City has now spread globally, welcoming a fresh contender to its ranks. As seasoned heroes, can Kotetsu and Barnaby fulfill the lofty expectations placed upon them amidst the influx of new champions?

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