A series revolving around parodies and tales inspired by Fate/Grand Order unfolds with each singularity party. In the First Singularity Party, Chaldea struggles to sustain its growing number of Servants, leading to a harsh decision. For the Second Singularity Party, Jeanne d’Arc Alter embarks on a quest for QP in the vibrant Kabukicho Singularity, working at CLUB M to outshine competitors. The Third Singularity Party sheds light on the inner conflicts within Fenis Chaldea as Servants grapple with inequality and disappointments, prompting one hero to take a stand. Lastly, in the Fourth Singularity Party, MAX Bond Channel, Ereshkigal endeavors to bridge the gap with her Master by venturing into the world of ServantTube, aiming to captivate audiences and win back their attention.
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