As Taichi Yagami and his friends start junior high, they have lost touch with their Digimon companions. Taichi is taken aback when he is suddenly called back to the Digital World in a time of crisis. There, he discovers that Digimon are unable to evolve due to the oppressive rule of the enigmatic Digimon Emperor. Meanwhile, in the real world, Hikari Yagami and Takeru Takaishi reunite in the same fifth-grade class alongside three classmates: Daisuke Motomiya, reminiscent of Taichi; Miyako Inoue, a tech expert; and Iori Hida, Miyako's neighbor. These children are entrusted with 'D-3' Digivices, joining Hikari and Takeru as the new generation of 'Chosen Children' tasked with saving the world. Empowered by the Armored Digi-Eggs, they must thwart the Digimon Emperor's ambition to dominate the Digital World.
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