
In a tranquil countryside town, the focus of a local junior high school soccer team centers on Ashito Aoi, a player with a flair for unexpected moves and a self-absorbed approach to the game. Ashito's individual prowess propels his team through a crucial high school tournament until a moment of recklessness leads to his expulsion from a key match. Bereft of their star player, the team's winning streak abruptly ends, leading to their swift exit from the competition. Amidst despair, Ashito encounters Tatsuya Fukuda, a youth team coach who perceives untapped talent in him. Fukuda extends an invitation for Ashito to try out in Tokyo, setting the stage for a transformative opportunity. Surrounded by unfamiliar faces and immense skill, Ashito must unearth his full potential to seize a chance at a remarkable career.

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