In a world where sorcery and vendettas collide, a princess is unjustly exiled in a barrel, a murder mystery lingers unsolved, and a cosmic battle for magic and retribution unfolds. Witness the clash of reason and chaos, wisdom and folly, belief and certainty in this fantastical saga. The Kusaribe clan, guardians of the mystical 'Tree of Origins', face internal strife as Hakaze Kusaribe, their formidable sorceress princess, is betrayed by Samon Kusaribe who aims to awaken the destructive 'Tree of World's End'. Cast away to a remote island, Hakaze's plea for help reaches Mahiro Fuwa, a boy driven by a thirst for vengeance against his sister's killer. Forming an unlikely pact, Mahiro enlists Hakaze's magical aid in unmasking the murderer. But when Yoshino Takigawa, Mahiro's loyal friend and Aika's former lover, enters the fray, the web of retribution tightens around them all.
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