In the year 0096 of the Universal Century, a delicate peace rises after a tumultuous past. During a school trip to the Industrial 7 space colony, Banagher Links, a sixteen-year-old student, finds himself stranded when his shuttle malfunctions. War, a distant concept to Banagher, swiftly becomes his reality as he saves a girl named Audrey Burne. She seeks an urgent audience with Cardeas Vist, the leader of the Vist Foundation, to prevent the destructive power held within the enigmatic 'Laplace's Box' from being unleashed. Galactic forces descend upon Industrial 7, embroiled in a fierce battle for control of the Box, as remnants of Neo Zeon clash with Earth Federation Forces. In his final moments, Cardeas entrusts Banagher with the key to the Box: a formidable mobile suit known as 'The Unicorn Gundam.' Amidst escalating action and suspense, Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 chronicles Banagher's journey as he grapples with his beliefs and fulfills a destiny long dormant for over a century.
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