Following a series of puzzling suicides targeting schoolgirls in Japan, a detective agency specializing in the supernatural uncovers eerie connections. Assigned to the case by the agency's leader, magus Touko Aozaki, are the ordinary Mikiya Kokutou and the enigmatic Shiki Ryougi. As they delve into the mysterious deaths occurring at the soon-to-be-demolished Fujou Building, the duo's contrasting personalities—a kind-hearted Mikiya and the cold, mysterious Shiki with her 'Mystic Eyes of Death Perception'—add layers to this dark and thought-provoking narrative. Embracing a somber and contemplative atmosphere, Fukan Fuukei kicks off the cinematic journey of Kara no Kyoukai, a seven-part movie series based on Kinoko Nasu's original light novels.
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