Under the guidance of esteemed conductor Franz von Stresemann, a group of talented music students including Shinichi Chiaki, Nodame, Ryuutarou Mine, and Masumi Okuyama are sent to the prestigious Nina Lutz Music Festival in Nagano to hone their skills with legendary mentors. Despite Chiaki's initial annoyance with his friends' playful behavior during a car trip, his world is turned upside down when they unexpectedly detour to a beach in Niigata. While Mine basks in the sun, Nodame and Masumi frolic in the water, Chiaki grapples with his deep-seated fear of the sea from the safety of the beach club. However, when Nodame proposes a daring adventure to row to a nearby island, will Chiaki be able to conceal his phobia and join in the escapade?
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