Amidst the turmoil of World War II enveloping Europe and the looming threat of German forces nearing Moscow, the Soviet Union's fate hangs by a thread. Their salvation lies with First Squad, a unique group of youthful operatives with extraordinary powers under Soviet intelligence. However, the unit's only surviving member, Nadya Ruslanova, grapples with amnesia, making her unlikely to join any missions. As the Eastern Front braces for the imminent Moment of Truth, a rare event occurring every 700 years that can alter history's course, a German occult faction known as Ahnenerbe aims to resurrect Baron von Wolff, a medieval warrior, and his undead army to shift the war's balance. In a race against time, First Squad must reunite, with Nadya entrusted to revive her fallen comrades to thwart the Nazis' world domination ambitions.
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