In a continent resembling 1930s Europe, Valkyria Chronicles unfolds amidst the ongoing conflict between the Imperial Empire and the Federation over the precious resource ragnite. The narrative centers on Gallia, a neutral nation coveted for its rich ragnite reservoirs, which becomes the battleground when the Empire launches an invasion to claim the prized substance. Amidst this chaos, Welkin, son of a revered war hero, Isara, his Darcsen foster sister, and Alicia, a Bruhl town watch member, join forces in Gallia's makeshift militia, Squad 7. Led by Welkin and aided by the Edelweiss tank piloted by Isara, along with a diverse cast of characters, Squad 7 embarks on a journey to defend their homeland, facing the relentless Imperial forces in a bid to reclaim their lives and futures.
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