Transported mysteriously to the world of Geminar, Kenshi Masaki becomes entangled in the affairs of a peculiar organization where male mecha pilots are a rarity. Tasked with piloting a Sacred Mechanoid to assassinate the ruler of the Shtrayu Empire, Lashara Earth XVIII, in exchange for a chance to return home, the 15-year-old's plan goes awry. Instead of fulfilling the mission, Kenshi finds himself held captive and under the watchful eyes of Lashara and her crew. Sympathetic to Kenshi's predicament, Lashara offers him a new opportunity - to serve as her attendant, essentially a bonded servant, but with the perk of piloting a mecha suit once more. Will Kenshi endure the idiosyncrasies of Geminar in his quest to go back home? And what secrets lie behind the enigmatic organization that orchestrated his journey to Geminar and the assassination attempt on Lashara?
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