In a long-standing conflict between the Iga and Kouga ninja clans, a truce is decreed by the formidable warlord Ieyasu Tokugawa. Amidst this fragile peace, Gennosuke Kouga of the Kouga clan and Oboro Iga of the Iga clan, who have nurtured a forbidden love, seek to unite their people through marriage. However, their aspirations for harmony shatter as old animosities resurface, plunging them back into strife. With Ieyasu's grandsons vying for the shogunate's throne, a deadly showdown is ordained. Each clan must dispatch their ten finest warriors to engage in a brutal contest, with the victor securing the Tokugawa shogunate's patronage for a millennium. Bound by conflicting loyalties and affection, Gennosuke and Oboro confront an agonizing choice that will shape the destiny of their clans.
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