In a world plagued by a strange insomnia epidemic 60 years ago, people were driven to madness due to prolonged sleep deprivation. A remedy was concocted to combat this affliction, but it inadvertently transformed the afflicted into vampires. Humanity waged a fierce war against these newfound creatures, emerging victorious, yet some vampires survived. Enter Mi Liu, the Child of Hope, a hybrid of human and vampire destined to bridge the gap between the two races. Caught in the midst of a bank heist, Mi Liu is apprehended and transferred to a high-security prison run by the National Defense Agency, dedicated to monitoring vampires. Teaming up with Anji to escape, they face off against bizarre monsters, uncovering a startling revelation—the prison stands upon the ancestral grounds of vampires, the ancient city known as Blue Town. As they grapple with the enigma of why vampires are confined to Blue Town and the identity of their monstrous assailants, our protagonists must engage in a perilous battle to unravel these mysteries.
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