Ousai Academy, once an exclusive all-girls high school, underwent a transformation into a co-ed institution due to declining birth rates. Among the influx of male first-year students, Tsuda Takatoshi finds himself in a sea of girls, only to receive a scolding from the stern student council president, Shino Amakusa, on his very first day. Meeting the other council members during this reprimand, Tsuda's tardiness to class seals his chaotic introduction. As a gesture to make amends for the rough start, Shino offers Tsuda a peculiar opportunity to join the student council for vague 'reasons,' a decision that he reluctantly embraces under her subtle coercion. Thus commences Tsuda's journey as he navigates the eccentricities of Ousai Academy, soon realizing his status as the lone beacon of normalcy amidst a sea of peculiarities.
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