In the midst of an industrial revolution, a formidable monster emerges, impervious to defeat unless its iron-clad heart is pierced. Its venomous bite transforms humans into savage undead Kabane. On the distant island of Hinomoto, fortified stations offer refuge from these horrors. Here, the steam-powered locomotive Hayajiro shuttles people and goods between outposts. Ikoma, a skilled Aragane station dweller aiding in Hayajiro's construction, forges a potent weapon, Tsuranukizutsu, to combat the menacing creatures. When fate brings him face to face with Mumei, a mysterious girl exempt from Kabane scrutiny, their paths intertwine. As chaos erupts with a rogue Hayajiro manned by Kabane, Ikoma seizes his long-awaited chance amidst the station's peril.
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