From my childhood, I grasped the need for magical prowess to wield magic. Yet, the specific magic I was attuned to remained a mystery, urging me to hone my skills relentlessly. Days slipped by as I quietly practiced my craft, until the revelation came: my affinity lay in 'creation magic.' Thrilled by this discovery, I soon realized that while creation magic was my forte, others viewed it with sorrow and deemed it 'incompetent.' Despite its rarity, creation magic was considered wasteful and ineffectual, incapable of crafting even the simplest of objects. Disheartened by my initial failures, I delved deeper into the intricacies of creation magic. Through perseverance and diligent training, I uncovered its hidden potential. Armed with newfound knowledge and honed abilities, I resolved to transform this 'incompetent' magic into a formidable force, brimming with possibilities.
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