Nam Dong-Gyun, a dedicated university student, religiously tunes in to the nightly livestream of his beloved broadcaster, Alex. Disguised under a mask, the alluring BJ Alex captivates his audience with provocative performances, leading Dong-Gyun into moments of sensual pleasure. Lost in infatuation, Dong-Gyun harbors feelings for the enigmatic cam boy. Amidst his academic routine, Dong-Gyun encounters Ahn Jiwon, the charming and popular student council president. A casual invitation to a social gathering takes a drastic turn when Dong-Gyun finds himself in a state of intoxication. Under Jiwon's care, Dong-Gyun notices a striking resemblance between Jiwon's physique and that of BJ Alex. Overwhelmed with curiosity, Dong-Gyun dares to question the connection between Jiwon and his online crush, only to be met with an unexpected revelation. This encounter unveils a new facet of Jiwon, forever altering Dong-Gyun's perception of the once-familiar figure.
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