Pocket Monsters: Maboroshi no Pokémon Lugia Bakutan
In a world where ancient prophecies foretell the awakening of ice, lightning, and fire titans, the legendary guardian Lugia is destined to bring back peace. Driven by this prophecy, Pokémon enthusiast Gelardan embarks on an ambitious quest aboard his airship to capture Lugia by first hunting down these elemental titans. As Gelardan's actions unfold, drastic climate shifts emerge, unleashing devastating storms worldwide. Amidst the chaos, a storm diverts Pokémon trainers Satoshi, Kasumi, and Kenji to Shamouti Island where Satoshi learns of his pivotal role in the prophecy. Charged with aiding Lugia in restoring equilibrium, Satoshi must find the strength to confront the impending turmoil, thwart Gelardan's sinister plans, and safeguard the world from imminent destruction.