Mahou Shoujo Madoka☆Magica: Hajimari no Monogatari
In the bustling city of Mitakihara, Madoka Kaname and her friend Sayaka Miki cross paths with a peculiar being named Kyubey and find protection from witches through the magical prowess of Mami Tomoe. Kyubey dangles before them the tempting offer of fulfilling any single wish in exchange for embracing the arduous mantle of a magical girl, tasked with battling sinister witches. Amidst this, the enigmatic Homura Akemi, a recent transfer student and magical girl, vehemently opposes Madoka's potential transformation. Tragedy strikes when Mami falls in battle against a witch, instilling fear in Madoka about the perilous fate of magical girls. While Madoka hesitates, Sayaka makes a selfless choice to become a magical girl, driven by the desire to mend her childhood friend Kyosuke Kamijou's injured hand. As tensions rise between Sayaka and the formidable Kyouko Sakura, the trio, including Madoka, stumbles upon a chilling revelation that their very souls reside within their mystical soul gems, the wellspring of their magical abilities.