In a land freed from samurai rule a century and a half ago, the people of Hinomoto live in peace, worshipping their saviors—mysterious demons revered as deities. Musashi, burdened with the knowledge that humans toil to feed these enigmatic beings, conceals his inner turmoil. While the samurai fight for freedom, he treads a lonely path, drifting apart from his childhood friend Kojirou Kanemaki. Graduation day brings a shocking revelation as the new graduates witness the cruel conditions of the miners and the eerie nature of their overseers. Despite the horrors, Musashi finds solace in Kojirou's support. Amidst chaos unleashed by the demon leader, Musashi is rescued by the Takeda samurai clan, igniting a spark of determination within him. Rising from the ashes of defeat, Musashi sets forth on a quest for samuraihood, aiming to carve his own legacy and establish a clan of his own.