Sankarea (OVA)
In an early episode titled 'Fate is... Really...', Chihiro, his father, Mero, and Ranko embark on a journey to Tohoku to assist in organizing a vast book collection owned by Chihiro's uncle. Along the way, Chihiro is struck by a sense of déjà vu at a familiar bridge, prompting him to ponder his scarce memories of his mother, Yuzuna. Concurrently, Rea, fresh out of middle school, endures mistreatment from Aria, who unleashes her frustrations while under the influence. In a later episode named 'Body of a Zombie... Heart of a...', Aria, grappling with loneliness in Danichirou's absence, falls asleep in the bath. Meanwhile, Chihiro's family stumbles upon a silent mysterious girl near their temple. Despite Rea's attempts to locate her during dinner, an unsettling event unfolds as the girl pushes Rea down the stairs. The following day, they find the nearby hydrangea leaves shredded, and Rea catches the girl making advances towards Chihiro that night.