Overlord IV
In the aftermath of Ainz Ooal Gown's powerful actions, the city of E-Rantel grapples with a scarcity of goods under the rule of the Sorcerer Kingdom. Fearing their enigmatic king, Ainz, the city finds hope in his decision to send Albedo as a diplomatic emissary. Meanwhile, the leaders of the Slane Theocracy strategize to counter Ainz's growing influence, aligning with the Baharuth Empire. Unexpectedly, a tense meeting unfolds between Emperor Jircniv Rune Farlord El Nix and Ainz at a colosseum, where Ainz challenges the empire's greatest warrior to a duel. As the true intentions of Ainz remain a mystery, Jircniv and his allies witness a pivotal moment that could alter the fate of humanity.