Meiji Gekken: 1874
TVTsumugi Akita Anime Lab
During the Meiji Era's rapid modernization, Shizuma Origasa, a former Aizu retainer turned rickshaw driver, seeks his missing wife while keeping his Boshin War sword skills sharp. His path intersects with Kyoushirou Shuragami, a one-eyed swordsman aligned with the Moriya-gumi yakuza gang involved in a Tokyo turf battle fueled by opium trade. As Shizuma joins the police force after thwarting an assassination, a web of deceit linking the yakuza, opium merchants, and a government overthrow plot unfolds. Bound by clashing ideologies, Shizuma and Kyoushirou face a destined collision, leading to a bittersweet parting for Shizuma.