Punch Line
When Yuuta Iridatsu survives a bus hijacking thanks to the intervention of the enigmatic superhero Strange Juice, his soul becomes detached from his body and is entrusted to a mischievous cat spirit named Chiranosuke. Yuuta, now a wandering spirit, explores his home at the Korai House while striving to reunite with his physical form and observe the peculiar residents: the brilliant inventor Meika Daihatsu, the bubbly idol Mikatan Narugino, the reclusive NEET Ito Hikiotani, and the spiritual medium Rabura Chichibu. Chiranosuke discloses to Yuuta a bizarre secret - his strength magnifies every time he sees underwear. However, a grave consequence looms: witnessing another pair while in spirit form will trigger a cataclysmic event, leading to the world's demise and the demise of his companions. As Yuuta delves into the enigmas shrouding Korai House, its inhabitants, and a malevolent syndicate with apocalyptic intentions, he grapples with the ultimate dilemma. Can he protect his friends from annihilation, or will the peril associated with undergarments seal their fate?