After sustaining a grave injury at the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600, Toyohisa Shimazu awakens in a modern, pristine corridor. Guided by the enigmatic Murasaki and faced with countless doors, Toyohisa is thrust into a realm teeming with mythical beings and resurrected historical figures from various eras. Bonding swiftly with the renowned warlord Nobunaga Oda and the ancient archer Yoichi Suketaka Nasu, Toyohisa delves into the turbulent political landscape plaguing the continent. The trio, known as 'Drifters,' are summoned to combat the 'Ends,' architects of the oppressive Orte Empire hell-bent on eradicating their rivals. As the Ends gain strength, the Empire's brutal treatment of elves and other demihumans escalates. Now, Toyohisa and his band of unorthodox allies must engage in a monumental world conflict, safeguarding the realm's inhabitants while challenging their formidable adversaries for dominion over the land.