Rosario to Vampire
Youkai Academy appears as a typical boarding school, yet it harbors a unique secret—it educates monsters on coexisting with humans. Students, disguised as humans, engage in standard subjects like literature, gym, languages, and math. But a crucial decree looms over the academy—any humans discovered on campus face immediate execution! Enter Tsukune Aono, an average teen rejected by high schools due to poor grades. His parents unknowingly enroll him at Youkai Academy in a final attempt to secure his education. As Tsukune ventures into this unfamiliar domain, he encounters the campus' most captivating student, Moka Akashiya. Choosing to remain in this perilous environment to deepen his bond with Moka, Tsukune remains oblivious to the dark secret concealed beneath her beauty—a vampire identity. 'Rosario to Vampire' delves into Tsukune's amorous escapades, trials, and escapades alongside an array of alluring yet perilous supernatural beings in this supernatural school comedy.