Kaze no Tani no Nausicaä
In a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by a devastating nuclear war, humanity struggles against a deadly jungle born from the ashes of destruction. Amidst this harsh environment, the peaceful farming realm of the 'Valley of the Wind' thrives near the sea, shielded from the jungle's lethal threat. The Valley's spirited princess, Nausicaä, faces upheaval when a Tolmekian airship crashes in her domain, bringing with it a mysterious and ominous artifact. As the Valley is besieged by the Tolmekian military seeking to unleash a catastrophic weapon, Nausicaä must rally to prevent a calamity that could obliterate mankind. With the toxic jungle advancing and peril closing in, she must safeguard her people and thwart the perilous ambitions of the invaders.