D.C.: Da Capo
Every spring, the island of Hatsune is adorned with the enchanting spectacle of cherry blossoms blooming across its crescent shape. Asakura Junnichi, a student at Kazami Academy, possesses the extraordinary ability to peer into others' dreams while sleeping, a skill honed by an elderly lady who has also imparted upon him the art of crafting magical confections. One fateful day, Junnichi glimpses a dream featuring a childhood friend, only to be roused from his reverie by his non-blood-related sister, Nemu, whose bond with Junnichi transcends mere sibling ties, hinting at a deeper connection. Amidst the routine of school life with friends like childhood companion Amakase Miharu, the popular Shirakawa Kotori, and the food-loving siblings Mizukoshi Moe and Mako, a sudden reunion with supposedly departed friend Yoshino Sakura disrupts their tranquility. Sakura's cryptic declaration about fulfilling a childhood promise adds a new twist to Junnichi and Nemu's serene existence.