Kuuchuu Buranko
Meet the eccentric Dr. Ichirou Irabu, a psychiatrist at Irabu General Hospital, diving deep into the realm of psychology. Alongside the captivating nurse Mayumi, they navigate a series of patients battling mental afflictions disrupting their daily lives. However, patients should beware of the enchanting Mayumi, whose alluring appearance in a daringly short pink nurse uniform may cast a spell. Dr. Irabu, on the other hand, embodies three distinct personalities: a child donning an oversized lab coat, a youthful and intelligent man with hints of femininity, and a boisterous green bear with a selfish streak. While employing unconventional methods to treat his patients, Dr. Irabu often seeks personal gain beyond his professional duties, occasionally losing sight of his role as a healer. As each patient grapples with their inner turmoil, a subtle yet profound connection weaves their fates together, unveiling the intricate tapestry of human suffering and resilience.