In the serene village of Sotoba, the untimely demise of young Megumi Shimizu triggers a chain of events, plunging the community into a gruesome epidemic during the sweltering summer. Dr. Toshio Ozaki questions the mysterious affliction, realizing that to unravel the truth, he must embrace a darker path. Simultaneously, city-dweller Natsuno Yuuki grapples with Megumi's death and the complexities of friendship amidst personal loss. As Sotoba teeters on the brink of vampire-infestation, Toshio and Natsuno forge an unlikely alliance to prevent the village's descent into a spectral realm. 'Shiki,' based on Fuyumi Ono's chilling novel, transcends traditional vampire lore, delving into the harrowing struggle for survival in a morally ambiguous world. Amidst the clash between the self-proclaimed Shiki and apprehensive villagers, the series blurs the line between humanity and monstrosity, delving deep into themes of existentialism and fear.