Toji no Miko
In a world threatened by malevolent beings called 'Aratama,' a revered group of shrine maidens, known as 'Toji,' have long safeguarded humanity. In the present day, these mystical warriors serve in a special police force dedicated to eradicating the Aratama threat. To prepare young girls for this duty, the government establishes five prestigious swordsmanship schools nationwide. Among the students is Kanami Etou from Minoseki Academy, selected to compete in a crucial sword fighting contest. Here, she encounters the enigmatic Hiyori Juujou, and as they advance in the tournament, a twist of fate unravels, plunging the Toji realm into turmoil. With suspicions of betrayal looming, Kanami and Hiyori abandon the competition, engaging in intense conflicts with former allies along the way.