Gintama.: Porori-hen
In the aftermath of the turbulent events at Iga, Kokujou Island, and Rakuyou, as well as the relentless clashes with Tenshouin Naraku and Tendoshuu, Gintama: Porori-hen transports its audience back to a nostalgic era when the Yorozuya trio was deeply engrossed in their usual odd job antics. The renowned space hunter Umibouzu makes a furious return to Edo only to discover that his daughter, Kagura, has a boyfriend. Blaming Gintoki for his perceived failures as a guardian, Umibouzu faces the inevitable dilemma of letting go of his beloved daughter. Amidst the trademark shameless parodies, provocative humor, and heartwarming bonds, Gintoki, Kagura, and Shinpachi navigate through a series of unexpected and uproarious predicaments that seamlessly blend comedy with poignant moments.