Youchi na Koi wo Doushiyou
Haruto Sakurano, a vulnerable and isolated young boy abandoned by his mother, grapples with survival in a world where his Omega status invites discrimination and abuse. Desperate to escape his circumstances, Haruto turns to prostitution as a means to secure a new life. In this bleak existence, he crosses paths with Takagi, whose compassionate and accepting demeanor gradually penetrates Haruto's wounded soul. Despite harboring deep affection, Haruto's inner turmoil stifles his ability to reciprocate love. Through Takagi's unwavering support and affectionate persistence, a transformative bond forms, bridging their emotional chasms and drawing them intimately together. As warmth and solace replace Haruto's anguish, a poignant question lingers: can Takagi demonstrate to Haruto his inherent worthiness of love?