Saimin Seishidou
Embark on a journey with Tanaka, a student wielding hypnotic powers in Saimin Seishidou series, where he takes on the role of a peculiar Sexual Counselor. Through his unique methods, he educates the female students on intimate matters, much to the surprise of their partners. As Tanaka's escapades unfold, he sets his sights on Reina, a prominent figure in the school, and later encounters a blonde seeking sexual improvement in an unconventional setting. The narrative delves into Tanaka's willingness to assist even those without romantic partners, offering guidance on sensuality. The focus then shifts to Sakura Miyajima, a kendo club leader, who approaches Tanaka with an unusual request. In the subsequent installment, the story continues with Tanaka's persistent efforts to influence Sakura's perspective on motherhood, leading to unexpected developments and a twist involving Sakura's family.