Na Honjaman Level Up
In a world forever changed by the emergence of "the Gate," a portal connecting reality to a realm of magic and monsters, ordinary individuals find themselves imbued with extraordinary abilities, becoming the fearsome "Hunters" tasked with defending humanity. Sung Jin-Woo, a 20-year-old Hunter, bears the ignominious title of "World's Weakest," his meager power paling in comparison to even the lowliest E-Rank. Despite his limitations, Jin-Woo tirelessly battles monsters in low-level Gates, driven by the need to cover his mother's mounting medical expenses. However, his bleak existence takes an unexpected turn when, after a fateful mission gone awry, Jin-Woo awakens in a hospital to find a mysterious "Quest Log" demanding his participation in a grueling training regimen, with dire consequences for non-compliance. As Jin-Woo reluctantly embarks on this transformative journey, he soon discovers that the System's challenges may hold the key to unlocking his true potential, propelling him from the weakest to one of the most formidable Hunters the world has ever seen. With each conquered dungeon and vanquished foe, both monster and human alike, Jin-Woo delves deeper into the secrets that lie within, pushing the boundaries of his newfound powers and redefining what it means to be a Hunter in a world teetering on the brink of chaos.