Hero-san to Moto Onna Kanbu-san
Unbeknownst to the general populace, the enigmatic Antinoids, a race of monstrous beings, have infiltrated Earth with intentions of domination. Amidst this covert invasion, the valiant Rapid Rabbit emerges as a staunch adversary, bravely battling these malevolent creatures. In a fateful confrontation, Honey Trap, a high-ranking Antinoid Executive Officer, stumbles upon Rapid Rabbit's unmasked identity, leading to a startling revelation. However, instead of seizing the opportunity for victory, Honey Trap is taken aback by an unexpected attraction towards Rapid Rabbit, her newfound crush. This unforeseen twist results in Honey Trap's banishment from the Antinoids, leaving her adrift and vulnerable. Alone and vulnerable, Honey Trap crosses paths with her former foe, Rapid Rabbit, who extends a helping hand after a chance encounter. Faced with limited options, Honey Trap forges an unlikely alliance with Rapid Rabbit, united by a shared desire for vengeance against the Antinoids.