Tenshi no Sasayaki wa Akuma wo Otosu
In the realm of the afterlife, deceased humans are recruited as potential employees for either Akuma Shouji, run by demons focusing on temptation, or Ange Company, home to angels offering divine guidance. Chihiro Kuroishi and Kei Hoshiuchi, former colleagues who died after a passionate night together, find themselves on opposing sides; Kuroishi, despite her kind nature, becomes a demon while the devilish Hoshiuchi is hired as an angel. As rumors swirl about their scandalous deaths and secret relationship, they face looming dangers. Meanwhile, Kenji Arima, a resentful investigator with a strong bias against demons, is reluctantly tasked with assisting the incubus demon Yukichika Saeki. Spending time with Saeki in a greenhouse reveals the tragic truth of the demon's demise, sparking unexpected emotions in the once callous angel. In this intricate world of celestial entities, the intertwined fates of coworkers from different realms unravel, forcing them to confront their pasts, presents, and the uncertain afterlife that awaits.