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Mitsumi Iwakura, a girl from a quiet town in Ishikawa Prefecture, moves to Tokyo for high school with ambitious dreams of pursuing law and making friends along the way. Despite meticulously planning her future, her first day at the prestigious school takes an unexpected turn when she misses her train stop and faces the risk of being late for the important entrance ceremony where she's meant to speak as the new students' representative. Luckily, Sousuke Shima, a charming fellow first-year student who is also running late, offers to accompany her. Despite a series of unfortunate mishaps that paint Mitsumi in a negative light, her classmates start noticing the unique dynamic between her and Sousuke. As the school year kicks off with a bang, Mitsumi eagerly dives into getting to know her peers and immersing herself in school activities. Will this small-town girl thrive in the big city? One thing is certain—she won't be navigating this journey alone!