Joukyu Mazoku no Otoshikata
In a world where humans and demons have clashed for endless ages, a shift occurs a century ago with the rise of the formidable Demon Breakers. Tasked by the Majesty, Dia, a Demon Breaker, is assigned the challenging mission to subdue Bahamut, a senior demon that has proved resistant to other trainers. Bound by chains, Bahamut finds himself facing the alluring whirlwind that is Dia, whose unconventional methods stir unexpected feelings within him. As Bahamut becomes entranced by Dia's unconventional charms, his once unwavering resolve begins to waver. Will Bahamut's titillating (yet tumultuous) response to the seductive Dia mark the beginning of a passionate and unpredictable encounter? A tale of a beastly senior demon and a daring, provocative trainer unfolds, igniting a clash of desires and pleasures that promises an exhilarating journey of ecstasy for both parties!