Mizuno to Chayama
In the heart of Asaba, a town divided by longstanding animosity between two prominent families, the Mizunos and the Chayama-ens stand at the center of a bitter feud. While the Mizunos vie for political power with their patriarch running for mayor and accusing the Chayama-en tea company of environmental harm, the Chayama-ens focus on their successful business, unfazed by the accusations. Amidst this backdrop, the daughters of both families, Mizuno and Chayama, navigate their predetermined paths. Mizuno, disillusioned by the town's suffocating environment, plans an escape after graduation, while Chayama embraces her role in the family business despite the controversies. Forbidden to interact due to their families' conflict and differing perspectives, Mizuno and Chayama defy societal norms and embark on a clandestine romance. As their relationship blossoms, they face challenges from external forces: Chayama confronts bullying from her peers, while Mizuno grapples with the pressure of supporting her father's campaign. Despite the obstacles, their bond deepens, offering solace amidst the turmoil. Together, they strive to overcome adversity and preserve their love against the odds, determined to defy the constraints of their small town.