Coffee Moon
In a world plagued by perpetual black rain, Pieta leads a mundane existence until her 16th birthday unfolds with a cascade of misfortunes, all of which she oddly foresaw. Despite the day's mishaps, Pieta finds solace in its normalcy, cherishing simple moments like receiving a gift from her friend Danae at school and blowing out birthday candles later at home. When the following day marks Pieta's birthday once more for the 1033rd time, she reunites with Danae, only to discover a bizarre pattern: Danae now endures the same unfortunate incidents Pieta endured previously. As Pieta nonchalantly navigates this time loop, Danae grasps the unsettling truth of their predicament. Though relieved to have company, Pieta's newfound companion remains shaken. Unbeknownst to them, a dark and ominous secret lurks within the relentless cycle of days.