Shinja Zero no Megami-sama to Hajimeru Isekai Kouryaku
When Makoto Takatsuki, a typical high school student and avid RPG enthusiast, finds himself in a bizarre twist of fate after a bus accident transports his entire class to a fantastical realm ruled by formidable gods, his once 'normal' life takes a drastic turn. Unlike his peers who gain impressive abilities upon arrival, Makoto is dismayed to discover his own stats are lackluster and his skills feeble, relegating him to the role of a mere apprentice mage with a bleak prognosis of only ten years left to live. Amidst this grim reality, he encounters Noah, a modest goddess who enlists him as her inaugural devotee through ethereal visitations in his dreams. Empowered by Noah's divine favor and armed with a celestial weapon, Makoto embarks on a journey to enhance his strength, aiming to liberate his benevolent deity from her entrapment within a perilous dungeon. Through rigorous training and innovative utilization of his meager abilities, Makoto asserts that even amidst the harshest challenges reminiscent of hardcore gameplay, a true RPG aficionado can persevere until the final victory is achieved.