Asumi-chan wa Rezu Fuuzoku ni Kyoumi ga Arimasu!
Asumi, a sweet yet socially awkward college student, grapples with lingering feelings for her childhood crush, Mai. The memory of their disastrous first kiss haunts her until she learns that Mai might be employed at a nearby brothel. Intrigued by the prospect of redemption, Asumi embarks on a journey to find Mai, only to realize that the workers at the brothel go by aliases. Encouraged by a more worldly friend, Asumi delves into a world of self-discovery, experimenting with various fetishes and embracing her sexuality as she engages with the women at the brothel, one by one, in her quest to reconnect with Mai. Could it be that Mai is also seeking Asumi? And when they eventually cross paths again, will Asumi have evolved into a more self-assured and experienced individual?