Ore to Kanojo ga Geboku de Dorei de Shuujuu Keiyaku
In a realm plagued by calamities caused by monstrous creatures, individuals known as Hexenritter harness their mystical abilities to summon servants and combat these threats. Within a prestigious academy that nurtures these gifted individuals, including young women, resides a student named Shirley. Once belonging to a revered noble lineage that has since crumbled, Shirley grapples with isolation from her peers. Despite her initial struggles, Shirley eventually succeeds in summoning a servant, only to discover that the amnesiac boy named Hayato is her unexpected ally. Determined to restore her family's honor, Shirley sets her sights on claiming victory in the prestigious Grantzveissen tournament. To qualify for this crucial event, she must excel in the school's rigorous battles and prove her worth in the eyes of her peers.