Shin Honkaku Mahou Shoujo Risuka
In a mystical realm within Nagasaki Prefecture, wizards are confined to Kyushu, unable to escape their magical boundaries. The looming threat of a repeat bombing by outsiders haunts the inhabitants, fearing persecution due to their supernatural abilities. Ten-year-old Mizukura Risuka, daughter of the most formidable wizard, roams beyond Nagasaki, on a quest to locate her father and vanquish malevolent sorcerers. Her veins carry potent spells controlling time, enabling her to accelerate her aging process. Upon facing a gruesome demise, Risuka's blood triggers a unique ability, resurrecting her at 27, endowed with peak powers for a fleeting moment. Guiding her through the complexities of the human world is Kugi Kizutaka, an equally young prodigy with a dark twist. Kizutaka, a brilliant yet calculating sociopath, envisions a utopia where he reigns supreme, manipulating and subjugating those around him, including Risuka, as mere pieces on his grand chessboard.